Thursday, April 14, 2011


Easter time is time for long weekend holiday, parties, fun and celebration not only within the United States but throughout the world. With fun and celebration, comes the importance of food. Every festival has special food items with very interesting ingredients.

Different countries have different recipes for all meals. Let us look at some Easter food ideas from various places. In England boiled eggs are served for breakfast, Roast lamb with mint leaves and veggies become the traditional main meat meal. There is traditional Easter pudding of custard tarts with flat Easter biscuits and currants. For tea, Simnel cake is baked.

While in Germany, with the traditional recipes they have lamb shape cake and eat fish delicacies. In France they relish the French Easter fish, leg of lamb, lamb stew along with spring vegetables. In America, they relish baked ham, potatoes and vegetables along with hot cross buns. In India, in addition to traditional food, they relish simnel cakes and pancakes. These were a few Easter food ideas but we can make more and have our own flavor to it.

Irrespective of the country, the chocolates, cookies, fun Easter eggs, candies, marshmallows etc. hold a definite place in the Easter Food. Some of the Easter food ideas would be to get personalized chocolates, bunny cookies and candies etc. All the Easter Goodies can be found at:

With all the information, it surly makes it little tempting to look at some Easter food ideas for the coming Easter. Have loads of chocolates, biscuits and the spring veggies.